Dedicated to the Appreciation of Wildlife!

Little Green Heron Playscape

The Little Green Heron Playscape will create a no-cost, nurturing, nature-filled outdoor space for children and families. Research demonstrates that children benefit from positive connections with the natural world and outdoor play has great potential for physical, social, emotional and intellectual learning for school-aged children.
The Playscape will be located in an area adjacent to the Great Blue Heron Trail, which promotes appreciation for the natural world, increase physical activity and expand cultural awareness. The Playscape will provide links to arts and nature, develop observation skills, and enhance visual-spatial learning through purposeful movement opportunities.
The school district and community support addition of adding a safe environmental education play area to the refuge as it will meet needs of a highly diverse population. Activities and educational opportunities will align with standards for science and physical activity as well as promote cultural history.
The project includes nature themed play structures, landscaping and educational projects for children, seating areas, tables and material storage all designed for a natural setting. A blueprint design for the project is already complete.