Dedicated to the Appreciation of Wildlife!

Our Vision, Mission & Goals

Our Vision
To help create an outstanding National Wildlife Refuge that is fully successful in:
Re-establishing and protecting the habitat and wildlife resources within its boundaries
Serving the public
Maintaining adequate funding and staffing sufficient to support its programs and be an important part of the environmental community of the greater Sacramento region.
Our Mission
Friends of Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, previously known as The Stone
Lakes National Wildlife Refuge Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation, is dedicated to the conservation, protection, enhancement and promotion of the Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge through its appropriate management and outreach efforts and the provision of appropriate resource-based outdoor educational and recreational opportunities for the visiting public.
Our Goals
To support the policies and programs of the Refuge in meeting its objectives in the development and management of the Refuge;
To cooperate with the Refuge in the development of interpretive, educational, scientific and environmental programs, and of projects for the benefit of the Refuge;
To manage certain long-term endowment funds and use the annual proceeds, as needed, to benefit the Refuge;
To engage in appropriate commercial and fund-raising activities in support of the Refuge; 
To stimulate public and community interest in and support of the Refuge through such measures as volunteer programs, special events, publications, general publicity, the maintenance of an informative website and the use of social media;
To work with outside interests, individuals, organizations and public agencies in exploring opportunities to enhance the Refuge lands, resources and programs, and to work to avoid or mitigate potential external threats to the interests of the refuge; and
To engage and coordinate with relevant local agencies and private entities to help them develop their plans and programs in a manner that will further rather than compromise the goals of the Refuge in such matters as land use, transportation, waste-water disposal, water use and water quality.